Sunday, June 12, 2011

Just blogging me...

Some things I know for sure...
  • That I can never put God in a box. He has shattered my absolutes time and time again!
  • A messy life is a full life! I may have a messy house, but that's because my doors are always open. Kids running in and out, bbq's with friends, crafting projects for those I love, costumes lying on the floor for an can get annoying, but it's so worth it. On top of that the more you love, the more friends you have, the more you open your heart the messier things get. People make messes, it's just a fact of life, but the messes are worthwhile because in the midst of the mess are huge blessings!!
  • Hard work is worth it. The more I lay down my boundries and allow myself to be stretched the more I love life. Sure I have meltdowns when the nights are late and the to-do list gets loooong, but God is worth my energy and so are the people in my life! The end result always ends up being worth it. The Bible says the greatest of all is the servant of all. I am never more miserable than when I am only thinking of me!!!
  • It is impossible to serve God without serving people. There was a time in my life where I was very concerned with the process, the plan, and the outcome and not so much with the PEOPLE. Duh. ;) God has slowly and gently changed my heart in this area and I am thankful to more fully understand His love for each and every one of his creation. It is very easy to be a great Christian in your bedroom, not so easy when you need to let go of some of your own desires, bite your tongue, compromise, trust, let others have what you wanted, and love.
  • Repent and forgive daily! :)

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