Monday, June 30, 2008

A morning in the life of a stay-at-home BLOG

Pretty typical morning at the Carroll home. it's 11:19 and so far I have:

  • Said some prayers
  • Fed Micah three times
  • Changed 5 diapers
  • Fed Jack 3 times (he's a big eater!)
  • Fed Jacey once
  • Reminded Jacey of her chores
  • cleaned out a closet
  • cleaned out the room I am going to paint today
  • took pictures
  • edited pictures
  • checked Facebook (of course)
  • Updated blog

Now I have to get myself and the kiddos dressed so we can take Micah to the doc to get his shots. :( Poor baby! Then I have got to paint this room and get Jacey and Jack's rooms switched. We have guests coming in this week and I need to get this room done!!

Here is some pictures from this morning...

Star Wars "Mans" having a war on top of a Bible

The room I am painting this afternoon

Little Micah blissfully asleep unaware of the pain that awaits him later in the day!

The windows I will hang with pictures in them after I paint the room

Micah learned to bat at his toys this morning!!!

Jacey in a daze watching "John and Kate plus 8." She loves TLC like her mom!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i love jon and kate plus 8 too! we don't have cable, but whenever i'm at a hotel i have to watch it! :)