(warning:it's 1:30 am and I am introspective)
I was chatting with a friend on Facebook and we had both listed all the things that are keeping us busy and it made me think of this key ring I ran across on Etsy.
My husband and I were having an extremely difficult week. We were sleep deprived because of the new baby, my husband was close to burn out due to the demands of a full-time job, growing family, and pastoring a church, and then one after another things started falling a part around us. It honestly seemed hopeless, like all the work we were putting into accomplishing our dreams might fail. As I was surfing thru Etsy enjoying looking at the amazing talents people have I ran across this key ring and it really spoke to me. "Enjoy the journey."
It reminded me that I am on a journey and it's one that is going by so fast. If I spend the precious moments I have wishing for something different or better I am going to miss the amazing things happening right now! Sometimes it can be easy to get overwhelmed by thoughts of the war, or the economy, or the bills piling up. The kids can get frustrating on days when the bickering never ends, the baby won't stop crying, and there's always a new need to be met or question to be answered. Yet, I know in the years to come I will long for one more chance to experience this precious time in my life. I'll wish I could hear my four-year old mess up all his words, and my 7 year old sing and dance in the backyard. I'll forget the fact that on most days I don't have time to shower and remember the positive things that mattered so much. So if in a few years the annoying things are going to fade away, maybe I should let them go right now and enjoy the gift of today! I choose to see busyness as living life!
The one thing I know for sure about life is that it's not easy. The ups and downs can be overwhelming at times...enjoy the journey, it's the only one you have.
(By the way before anyone gets worried...everything worked out. God is always faithful to His promises.)
James 4:14
How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone.
you really don't shower sometimes? ew.
How did I know that would be the one things someone would comment on in this blog! ha! :)
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